
Cereal Kendama

Global Kendama Brand from Singapore (est 2015) // Passion project of @jonnyyramone and @wceriously

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RUN ONE - Hybrid 2o4 Shape

new Hybrid 2o4 Shape by Cereal Kendamas (almost 2% larger than Hybrid-2)
49.90 CHF

Baby Royal Ken only - Hybrid-2 Shape

Ascent shape from Cereal Kendama Bamboo w/ 3mm purpleheart stripe (Sarado) Bamboo w/ 3mm purpleheart stripe (Sword)
39.90 CHF

Purple Pop Ken only - Ascent-2 Shape

Ascent shape from Cereal Kendama Maple, 3mm Spectra, 3mm Cherry, Rosewood
39.90 CHF

Beachside 2 Ken only - Ascent-2 Shape

Ascent shape from Cereal Kendama Ash w/ 3mm spetra splice
39.00 CHF

Cereal Hybrid-2 Ken Only - Maple

hybrid-2 shape Maple wood
35.00 CHF