
Produkte markiert mit 'tama only'

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NEO TAMA only - ASH - Quad stripe

Neo clear from OKendama is definitly a must have, a very durable paint with an amazing slip/sticky ratio.
35.00 CHF

NEO TAMA only - ASH - Double stripe

Neo clear from OKendama is definitly a must have, a very durable paint with an amazing slip/sticky ratio.
35.00 CHF

NEO TAMA only - ASH - Single stripe

Neo clear from OKendama is definitly a must have, a very durable paint with an amazing slip/sticky ratio.
35.00 CHF

NEO GLAZE TAMA only - ASH - Venom

Be aware ! Neo glaze is an incredibly sticky clear coat ! Be ready to land all of your backflips & lunar tricks!
39.00 CHF

REVO - ASH - Red | Tama only

REVO is much appreciated by players, being very sticky! It compares to the cushion clear from Sweets. If you have never tried it, it's a must have!
39.00 CHF

Iroiro Tama only

Tama only. Sticky clear Sky Blue - Pink - Orange variations Beech wood.
24.90 CHF

IKIGAI - Yellow / Blue - Rhino Clear

Rhino clear over Factory paint 🔥
49.00 CHF

NEO - ASH - Pink - Retro serie

Proudly presenting you RETRO series - finished with Okendama signature one and only - NEO - clear coat by O!Captain
35.00 CHF

NEO - ASH - Teal - Retro serie

Proudly presenting you RETRO series - finished with our signature one and only - NEO - clear coat by O!Captain
35.00 CHF

NEO - ASH - Blue - Retro serie

Proudly presenting you RETRO series - finished with our signature one and only - NEO - clear coat by O!Captain
35.00 CHF

NEO - ASH - Red - Retro serie

Okendama is proudly presenting you RETRO series - finished with our signature one and only - NEO - clear coat by O!Captain
35.00 CHF

NEO - ASH - Black - Retro serie

Okendama is proudly presenting you RETRO series - finished with our signature one and only - NEO - clear coat by O!Captain
35.00 CHF