The Mars Mod is back, now redesigned.
The redesign features the same honed Mars Shape, but with all bamboo, and a new colorway.
Bamboo is known to be a wood that's honed at stalls and just feels fresh and slayable to play.
Here Franta's notes on the shape:
-I made a massive sarado to keep the Kendama lunar heavy but I shortened the cups to keep it classy and traditional
-The sarado radiuses are pretty steep to keep it honed for slingers, also the stall points are huge and a little rounded for the best stall balance.
-I deepened the curve around the ring for more hand connection, and also to make C-Whips way easier because the string will stick.
-The basecup hole fits a finger for funky tricks, and the handlestall and rings are designed to really hold stalls.
What’s in the Box
-The Mars Mod (maple ken, beech/maple halfsplit tama)
-A Mars Mod custom cloth bag 1 extra silk string 2 stickers (Mars+Lotus)
-1 Mars pin